الخميس، 23 ديسمبر 2010


Causes of anti acceptance of the rightAnd the causes of anti acceptance of the right is too much, include the following:
Ignorance: and for this reason is often more souls, the ignorance of some desires, and ordinary people, the Andhav to this reason, regardless of his right, and antagonism to him, and envied him, an inhibitor of acceptance of the strongest, the Andhav so fond of it and his habit and Mrbah on it was his fathers, and who love and venerate, a strong inhibitor, the Andhav, the Tohmh that the right called for stopping him from standing or pride, desires and purposes, a strong inhibitor of acceptance too, the Andhav, the fear of his companions and his clan and his people on himself and his wealth, and merit .
As happened to Hercules King Christian Levant at the time of the Messenger of Allah Almighty be upon him, has increased inhibitor of acceptance of the right strength, the Hercules knew the truth while they enter into Islam did not pronounce the letters of his people and Khavhm on himself, he chose the blasphemy against Islam, after they found out his guidance, as said his story is coming, God willing.
Envy: It is the greatest of these reasons: (envy), it's disease lies in the self, and felt envious envied had preferred it, and Otte, what has not borne counterpart, do not let him envy that driven by him, be his followers, and whether prevention of Satan to prostrate to Adam only envy?
It may be preferred when he saw it, and it raised, snorkel luster, and chose to believe in disbelief after he was among the angels.
This malady is that prevented Jews from faith in Jesus son of Mary, has learned note is no doubt that the Messenger of God came with clear proofs and guidance, Vhmlhm envy that they chose disbelief on faith and who closed it, and they are a nation including rabbis, scholars and ascetics, and judges, and princes.
This came Christ did not come by virtue of the Torah law of the opposers did not fight them, but brought some analysis of what is forbidden to them, relief and mercy and kindness, and was complemented by the law of the Torah, however, choosing instead to all infidels to the faith.
How should they with the Prophet came law of independent copier to all the laws, reproach him Bakbaihm, and calling on the scandals, and a way out of their homes, The killers and fought, which is in all that supports them, and gains control over them, and louder than he and his companions, which is with him always in Sval, how does not have envy and prostitute their hearts?
And where is their experience with him from what they were with Christ, and who closed on its disbelief after it is clear guidance for them, and for this reason alone is sufficient to restitution, so how about if the demise of Andhav Riyasat and food are also provided.
The said walled perforated bin - a nephew of Abu Jahl - to Abu Jahl: "O my uncle Did you accuse Muhammad of lying before he said what he said? He said: O son of my sister, God, Muhammad was in us, a young man named Secretary, what is a lie never tried it. He said: O free! What you do not Taatbonh? He said: O son of my sister, Tnazaana we honor the sons of Hashim, Votamoa and fed, and irrigated and drink into, and Oqua and protect us, even if Tjathina on the knees and we were Kffersi bet they said: When the Prophet of us are aware of such as these!
He said Alokhans Shareeg day of Badr bin Abu Jahl: "O Abu rule! Tell me about Muhammad endorse or is it not a liar Here is one of the Quraysh and others others hear our words? Abu Jahl said: "Woe! God and Muhammad is the honest, and Muhammad never lie, but if I went to Major General sons Qusay, and janitorial, and irrigation, and the prophecy, what about the rest of the Quraysh?
As for the Jews was the scholars as they recognize their sons, Ibn Ishaq said: "We talked Asim ibn Umar ibn Qatada, a sheikh from Quraizah: Do you know what Islam was a lion, and alopecia, son of the Division, Asad bin Obaid, who were not Quraizah not Nadeer, they were over that?
I said: No, he said: it gave us a man from Syria of the Jews, said to him I'm Alheiban, sued us, God, what we saw a man praying better than him, introduced us before the coming of the Messenger of Allah two years, we used if Qahtna tell us the rain, we say: Oh, I'm Alheiban Fastsag us out: He says: God does not even applied to Mkrjkm charity, we say: How much? He says: Saa of dates or barley from the debtor, then go out to Vnkrjh apparent Hratna Nstsagi with him and we are sure of what even his council from the rain passes and coral.
Had done so more than once or twice and three, Vhoudrth death and met him and said: "O Jews! You see what get me out of the land of wine and Khmer to the land of misery and hunger? They said: You know, he said: I came out but I expect out may remain a prophet of his time, this country's immigrants, do not follow him Espguen to you and others if it comes out, "O Jews! It sends the shedding of blood and the captivity of strains and women who go against it do not stop you from him and then died.
When was the night that opened the Qurayza, said those three boys were young and events: "O Jews! And God for what he said to you I'm Alheiban, they said: What is it, said: "Yes, Allah, it is described, then leapt out and converted to Islam and free money and their families.
His son Isaac was money in the fort with the idolaters when opening received them, and Ibn Ishaq said: "We talked Salih bin Ibrahim bin Abdul Rahman ibn Awf from Mahmoud bin, however, said: The distance between Oabiyatna Jew, went to the club his people Lubna Abdel Ashhal of the day after, he recalled resurrection and the resurrection, Paradise and Hell, and the account balance, said that the owners do not believe that idol resurgence object after death, just before the source of the Prophet and said: Woe to you O so and so! This is an object that people are sending to their deaths after the House committee and the fire, and be rewarded with their work? He said: Yes, and you swear it to be good that was of that fire that Tokaddoa greatest oven in your house then Vthmonh Tqzfinu, and then you apply to and that I saved from the fire tomorrow, it was said: O So what sign it? Said: The prophet sent from this country on the one hand and pointed his hand towards Mecca and Yemen. They said: "When will we see? Stoned may indicate Franny and I was lying patio door of my family and I later people, said: "exhausted this boy old realize, what went day and night until God sent His messenger, and that neighborhood among us, Our mother and believed him and Kafr a prostitute and envy, said:" O so and so, are not you that I what I said and told us? Said: It is not him.
Ibn Ishaq said: Yahya related to me Asim ibn Umar ibn Qatada, said: "We talked Oceach of us said: It was not one of the Arabs know about the Messenger of God from us, we had Jews, they were people of the book and we were the owners of idol, and if we reached them what they hate said that a prophet envoy Now, may I keep his time, follow Venguetlkm killed back and toss. They said: "Woe to you O so and so! When Almighty Allah sent His Messenger of Allaah be upon him, we have taken and disbelieve it Vvina them and Allah Almighty:
(And they were by Estpthon those who disbelieve what they knew and when he came to disbelieve Our government rulers by God to the unbelievers).
According to the Governor and others from Ibn Abi Njih, Ali Azadi, said: "The Jews used to say: O Allah, send us the Prophet rule between us and the people.
Said bin Jabir, Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased: The Jews of Khaibar fighting Gtefan, when he met the defeated Jews of Khaybar, Fazt Jews in this prayer, she said: O Allah, I ask You by virtue of Muhammad the unlettered Prophet, who promised us that he graduated to us in the last decade but our victory to them, "said : They were crowded if they called this supplication Vhsmoa Gtefan.
When the Prophet sent disbelieve it, Almighty Allah revealed: (and they were by those who disbelieve Estpthon) means: you, O Muhammad (God Our government rulers of the infidels) and (Estpthon), namely: Istnasron.
According to the Governor and others: that the bright sons of what were evacuated from the city accept the Amr Ibn Sa'd Votaf their homes saw the mess, consider and then returned to Quraizah found them in the church Venfaj in Bogahm, they gathered together, he said Zubayr ibn al-Bata: "O Abu Said, where have you been today, did not Lanark , and was always at church, and was Itolh in Judaism, said: "I saw today crossed we consider them, I saw our brothers may Geloa then the good old skin and honor virtuous, mind master, must have left their king and others, and left out of the yoke, and the Torah, which highlighted that the God, people who never need them. The sign before that son of Izzat al-Ashraf in his building in his home safe, and sign the son of denticle master, and sign Kinka Vogelahm beings are most Jews, and they were several people and weapons and help. Vhzarethm Prophet peace be upon him, did not come out a man of whom his head until he were captured, spoke to them Fterkhm, that expelled them from Yathrib, O my people, you may have seen what you saw Votioni, and come follow Muhammad, I swear You will know that the Prophet has informed us tags and the command I'm Alheiban and Abu Amr Ben Hawass, the two I know the Jews, came from Jerusalem Etcvan coming, and Omrana Omrana that follow it and we read them peace, then they died on their religion and Dvinihama Bhratna.
Voskt people did not speak their speaker, and attributed this speech and the like, and fear of war and Sba evacuate.
Zubayr ibn al-Bata said: You may read the Torah and described in the book of the Torah which was revealed to Moses, not in the bladder, which brought about, said unto him, Ka'b bin Asad: What prevents you, O Abu Abdul-Rahman and his followers?
He said: You, said: "What did Voltorap resolved between you and him never?
Zubair said: but you are the owner of our time and we had, we have followed the followed, if you insist not, turned to Amr bin Saad heel stated in the Tquaola however, that Ka'b said: What I have in it except what I said, what perfume myself that I am becoming a follower.
This inhibitor is to prevent followers of Moses, Pharaoh, it is to show him guidance, the determination to follow Moses, peace be upon him, said his minister Haman: "Whilst the god you worship, worship the Lord, become someone else? He said: ratified.
According to Ibn Ishaq Abd-Allaah ibn Abi Bakr, said: There was about Safiya bint shy said: "I loved my father was born to him and my uncle Abu Yasir, when the Messenger of God City, coined it, and then came from the evening, I heard my uncle say to my father: Is it is it? He said: Yes, God, said: "It is borne out does not know? He said: Yes, he said: What about yourself from it? He said: his hostility toward God and what remained.
This nation of Jews known hostility of the prophets in the past and their ancestors and their options, you may tell us God for annoyance to Moses, and forbade us to imitate them in that, he said: (O ye who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses Fberoh God what they said was with God, and valid).
But behind them: they are killers of prophets were killed Zechariah and his son Yahya and created a lot of the prophets, even killed on the seventieth prophet and established market in the last day if they did not make sense, and met with the murder of Christ and the crucifixion, Vassanh God of that and honored that the insult on their hands and threw likened it to other , killed him and crucified him and killed Eu Seal of the Prophets many times, and God Iasmh them.
It is their own business do not grow them choose disbelief rather than faith to reason that we have mentioned some of them or two reasons or more

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